Thursday, 24 August 2017

Dawn's Men

I'm tired.

Hello tired! I'm...too tired for dad-jokes.

At 32 weeks pregnant I am starting to find it very difficult to keep up with this beautiful blue eyed boy, especially now that nap time seems to be a thing of the past (not fair - I need naps more than he does now)!

Being an adventurous toddler, Robin has no self-preservation skills and gives me 10,000 heart attacks per day. Sometimes we don't even leave the house when it's just the two of us because I know the stress caused by doing so won't be worth it. He won't hold my hand for more than a minute before something catches his attention and he runs off, and being heavily pregnant I just can't keep up with him. I feel like a terrible parent 99% of the time. I'm trying my best but my best never feels good enough and I second guess myself constantly. 

Thursday, 20 July 2017

In which I return...

Yes, that's right. I am officially blowing off the cobwebs and FINALLY updating this blog! Try not to die of shock. I didn't know I was capable of breaking up my long-term relationship with extreme procrastination.

I may as well get right to the meat of it - I am pregnant with boy number 2! It's official. I'm outnumbered. Let the battle for keeping the toilet seat down begin. In this entry I'll try and catch you all up with what has been going on over the last year and a bit, as well as sharing my recent maternity shoot photos.

Needless to say, Robin is obviously no longer a baby. He's a walking, talking and extremely naughty almost THREE year old. Look! He's so grown up now.